:: University Administration & Management Information System
- University Management
- The University Employees, Affiliated Institutions and Enrolled Students can get various information and services during their life cycle within the University.
- Examination Control System
- Pre Exam Activities
- Enrollment Generation of Student
- Examination form verification tool.
- Post Exam Activities
- Web Portal Management
- The University service Portal is Web Based, and is managed at a central location that can be accessed anywhere through Internet connectivity
- e-MIS
- HR, Payroll, Legal & Court Case & Document Movement System
- Accounts & Budget Allotment/Demand Management System
- Personnel Management Information System (PMIS)
- RTI information
- Attendance Module
- Inward Outward Section
- Purchase & Stores Section
- Admission Information System
- Internal Communication System
- Accounts & Payroll Management
- Pay Bill, Advance Bill, Arrear Bill and Other types of Bills
- Cash Book Preparation
- Reports in predefined govt. and treasury formats