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The Green Energy Tech Center 

Modeling & Simulation of Carbon Recycling Technology through Conversion of CO2 into Useful Multi- Purpose fuel:
 The project aims at development of a pilot plant for CO2 capture and production of useful multipurpose fuel like Hydrogen, Methane and Algae growth for Bio diesel production in the Energy park of IUMS.
1. Sequester CO2 and convert the same into useful multipurpose fuels.
2. Use CO2 to grow micro algae to produce Bio-diesel and Methane Gas.
3. To establish a Pilot Plant for CO2 sequestration and conversion in to multipurpose fuel.
4. To develop mathematical & chemical models for CO2 sequestration, Hydro Gasifier & Algae pond systems.
CO2 sequestration system Metallic solvent for CO2 capture Catalytic Flash Reduction of CO2 using charcoal from Gasifier.
Production of Hydrogen from CO.
Production of Methane using Hydro Gasification of Biomass process.
Pilot study to capture CO2 for algae production and extraction of Biodiesel
The Rajiv Gandhi Technological University is having 10 kW Biomass Gasifier and Bio-Diesel Reactor (100 LPD) in its Energy Park. Using Exhaust from Gasifier and Char coal, a pilot plant for capture of CO2 based on Chemical solvent and for converting the same into useful fuel like Hydrogen for Fuel Cell application and Methane is being developed. Additionally, a Bio-fuel Incubator is being developed for producing variety of Algae culture for CO2 capture. An Incubation Unit on fuel Cell is also being developed by RGTU in which Hydrogen from the pilot plant will be the prime input.
Overall Espected Outcome
Development of a working plant to Capture CO2, the prime GHG and generate non conventional Energy sources viz. H2, CH4, Bio-diesel and thus provide formidable support to National Mission on GHG reduction for combating Global warming and consequent Climate Change.
Solar Wind Hybrid System
A 1.6 kW Solar Wind Hybrid System has been designed and erected at Rajiv Gandhi Technological University Bhopal with a Solar-Wind ratio of 3: 13 i.e.300Watt Solar & 1300 Watt Wind. This optimized configuration has been chosen through WaSP software. A Biomass Gasifier is being integrated into the system for a reliable configuration of Hybrid system of the three Renewable sources. Following and equipments were used for setting up of Solar wind hybrid system:.
• 1300 Watt Wing Electric Generator
• 150 AH Battery Bank
• 300 Watt Solar Panel
• Inverter Unit
• Street lighting through CFLs
• Instrumentations- Anemometer, and Radiation Pyranometer
India's energy independence is on the top of National agenda of policy planners and each one of us in this university is supporting this mission. A positive step in this direction has already been initiated in the form of National Biodiesel Mission by Government of India. IUMS is firmly committed to provide support to this mission of high national importance. The IUMS Biodiesel park is conceived from the view point of accelerating the energy farming and cultivating the knowledge and know-how for producing World class Quality Biodiesel. The IUMS Biodiesel Park is a joint venture of School of Biotechnology, School of Energy & Environment and strongly supported by Centre of Green Technologies at IUMS. The park shall also receive support from University of Houston with whom we have signed an MoU for collaborating research.
• Biodiesel Park will be an impact project to accelerate the Energy farming for Rural Entrepreneurship.
• Serve as a demonstration project enhancing the knowledge and expertise of farmers & small entrepreneurs
• Promote decentralized power generation in Madhya Pradesh
• To supply part of the diesel fuel that is consumed within the country.
• Strengthen the government commitment towards green and clean environment.
• To supply raw materials for enterprises which produce feed concentrates for cattle, pigs and poultry
• Transformation of the marginal and idle lands to productive areas
• Protect and regenerate the natural resources such as water and soil
• A research & training tool for Engineers and Technicians who will be working in the Biodiesel industry
• To create temporary and permanent jobs for the unemployed youth.
• Jatropha curcas cultivation in the premises of IUMS
• Screening of Jatropha varieties for better oil yield
• Use of plant tissue culture for the improvement of existing varieties of Jatropha curcas
• Alternate production methodologies using biocatalyst
• Optimizing the design of diesel engine for better fuel efficiency
• Efficient utilization of By-products thereby reducing the cost of biodiesel

 The energy farming may be done in an area of 8 acres of land in the Energy park and in the outskirts of the Campus. The plantation of promising varity of Jatropha curcus is being done to the tune of 6000 plants. 

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