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 The main thrust of RGPV for next five year is on strategic interventions in four main areas ie :-

  • All Weather Approach Road
  • Enhance opportunities for postgraduate education and research in areas of high relevance to nations science and technology capabilities
  • Promote use of IT in technical education through promotion of e-Learning and web enabled teaching processes
  • Transforming the university into a knowledge enterprise through its focus on research and development, industrial consultancy and by establishing efficient and effective mechanisms for managing innovations, technology incubation, technology transfer and knowledge management
  • Providing effective mechanisms and support facilities for developing faculty and learning resources for its affiliated institutions. The tenth plan document thus include establishment of UTDs, COEs including a centre of Innovation and Technology Management, a Staff College for Human Resources Development in technical education besides strengthening the RGTU System.

Disclaimer:This is the University Service Portal, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to information and services being provided by the various sections of University. The content in this Portal is the result of the processing of data and information about the affiliated Institutions and Enrolled Students with University. This portal is part of University e-Governance initiative.
This portal is managed by Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance ( CRISP ), Bhopal. Best viewed in IE 6.0 and above with monitor resolution 1024x768.
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